// status.v
// Status registers, including error latching
// $Id$
// Larry Doolittle, LBNL

// llc-suite Copyright (c) 2004, The Regents of the University of
// California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject
// to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy).
// All rights reserved.

// Your use of this software is pursuant to a "BSD-style" open
// source license agreement, the text of which is in license.txt
// (md5sum a1e0e81c78f6eba050b0e96996f49fd5) that should accompany
// this file.  If the license agreement is not there, or if you
// have questions about the license, please contact Berkeley Lab's
// Technology Transfer Department at TTD@lbl.gov referring to
// "llc-suite (LBNL Ref CR-1988)"

`timescale 1ns / 1ns

[Up: llrf_fcm status]
module statusIndex(
	input  host_clk,            // interconnect
	input  host_re,             // interconnect
	input  host_we,             // interconnect
	input  [15:0] host_data,    // interconnect
	output [15:0] errors,       // register ERRORS
	output [15:0] status,       // register STATUS
	input  error_en,            // select   ERRORS
	input  clk40,               // interconnect
	input  trace_enable,        // interconnect
	input  dkcm_busy,           // interconnect
	input  pll_muxout_,         // interconnect
	input  trigger_skipped,     // interconnect
	input  rf_on_sync,          // interconnect
	input  sync_error,          // interconnect
	input  sync_missing,        // interconnect
	output reg clk40_missing_pulse, // interconnect
	input  daov_,               // interconnect
	input  dbov_,               // interconnect
	input  dcov_,               // interconnect
	input  ddov_,               // interconnect
	input  [1:0] lrc_slot,      // interconnect
	input  il_stat_,            // interconnect
	output LED2                 // pin f

reg error_clear_cmd;
reg pll_unlocked, trigger_skipped_latch;
reg sync_error_latch, sync_missing_latch;
reg  handshake_token, handshake_error, self_test_latch;

wire self_test_set = host_we & error_en & host_data[10];

always @(posedge host_clk) begin
	// Reading the error register (ERRORS) causes its bits to clear.
	// This clear happens after the data is latched into the read pipeline.
	// XXX There is about one cycle (40 ns) of dead time, where errors
	// can happen and will never be visible to the software.
	error_clear_cmd <= host_re & error_en;

	// Latch PLL errors
	if (~pll_muxout_ | error_clear_cmd) pll_unlocked <= ~pll_muxout_;

	// Latch sync errors
	if (sync_error | error_clear_cmd) sync_error_latch <= sync_error;
	if (sync_missing | error_clear_cmd) sync_missing_latch <= sync_missing;

	// The software is expected to write to the error register (0x000c)
	// (the data is ignored) at the beginning of its xfer_from_fpga
	// routine, which is triggered by the interrupt.  This puts the
	// handshake logic into "armed" mode, where handshake_token=1.
	// If an RF pulse comes along in this mode, the handshake_error
	// bit is set.  The xfer_from_fpga routine will read from error
	// reg as the last thing it does, which both finds out if
	// it acted fast enough to not get corrupted data, and sets
	// handshake_token back to 0, so the handshake logic won't
	// complain when the next RF pulse hits.
	if ((host_we | host_re) & error_en)
		handshake_token <= host_we;
	if ((trace_enable & handshake_token) | error_clear_cmd)
		handshake_error <= trace_enable & handshake_token;

	// ext_trigger_skipped comes from rf_timer module as a 100 ns pulse,
	// and is a simple register output (glitchless), so
	// it is guaranteed to `stick' if we sample it at 25 MHz.
	if (trigger_skipped | error_clear_cmd)
		trigger_skipped_latch <= trigger_skipped;

	if (self_test_set | error_clear_cmd)
		self_test_latch <= self_test_set;

reg daov_latch, dbov_latch, dcov_latch, ddov_latch;
always @(posedge clk40) begin
	if (trace_enable & daov_ | error_clear_cmd) daov_latch <= trace_enable & daov_;
	if (trace_enable & dbov_ | error_clear_cmd) dbov_latch <= trace_enable & dbov_;
	if (trace_enable & dcov_ | error_clear_cmd) dcov_latch <= trace_enable & dcov_;
	if (trace_enable & ddov_ | error_clear_cmd) ddov_latch <= trace_enable & ddov_;

// these two processes provide a "clock detect" feature.
// If the 40 MHz goes away, or is even erratic, an error bit is raised.
// If the 25 MHz CPU clock goes away, there's nobody to tell :-(
// Strategy for crossing the clock domain: use a 2-bit Gray code
// counter clocked at 40 MHz, which can be sampled at 25 MHz.
// The counter will always have advanced one or two 25 ns cycles
// between 40 ns clocks.
reg [1:0] gray40, gray_sample, gray_previous;
reg clk40_missing, test2, test4;
initial gray40 = 2'b0;
always @(posedge clk40) gray40 <= {gray40[0], ~gray40[1]};

always @(posedge host_clk) begin
	gray_sample <= gray40; // cross clock domains *here*
	gray_previous <= gray_sample;
	clk40_missing_pulse <= (gray_previous == gray_sample);
	test2 <= ~test2;
	test4 <= clk40_missing_pulse;
	if(clk40_missing_pulse | error_clear_cmd)
		clk40_missing <= clk40_missing_pulse;

flasher flasher(host_clk, clk40_missing_pulse, LED2);

assign errors = {5'b00000, self_test_latch, pll_unlocked, handshake_error,
	sync_error_latch, sync_missing_latch,
	trigger_skipped_latch, clk40_missing,
	daov_latch, dbov_latch, dcov_latch, ddov_latch};

assign status = { 10'b0, lrc_slot, pll_muxout_, il_stat_, rf_on_sync, dkcm_busy };



This page: Maintained by: ldoolitt@recycle.lbl.gov
Created:Wed May 19 11:23:21 2004
From: ../source/status.v

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