// cordic.v
// CORDIC processor
// $Id$
// Larry Doolittle, LBNL

// llc-suite Copyright (c) 2004, The Regents of the University of
// California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject
// to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy).
// All rights reserved.

// Your use of this software is pursuant to a "BSD-style" open
// source license agreement, the text of which is in license.txt
// (md5sum a1e0e81c78f6eba050b0e96996f49fd5) that should accompany
// this file.  If the license agreement is not there, or if you
// have questions about the license, please contact Berkeley Lab's
// Technology Transfer Department at TTD@lbl.gov referring to
// "llc-suite (LBNL Ref CR-1988)"

// Some initial research and design assistance came from Ming Choy.
// This code is has been substantially reengineered from those early
// versions, and may or may not be "derived" from it in the legal sense.

// 16 bit input for x, y
// 17 bit input for phase, including highest order bit (pi)
//  (but because of rounding errors, the output is really only accurate
//   to about 13 bits)
// still could use some language cleanup
// reference:
//   http://www.fpga-guru.com/cordic.htm

`timescale 1ns / 1ns

[Up: cstage ax][Up: cstage ay][Up: cstage az][Up: cordic ax0][Up: cordic ay0][Up: cordic ax1][Up: cordic ay1][Up: cordic az1]
module addsubIndex(a,b,sum,control);
	parameter size=16;
	input [size-1:0] a, b;
	input control;
	output [size-1:0] sum;
	assign sum = control ? (a + b) : (a - b);

[Up: cordic cs1][Up: cordic cs2][Up: cordic cs3][Up: cordic cs4][Up: cordic cs5][Up: cordic cs6][Up: cordic cs7][Up: cordic cs8][Up: cordic cs9][Up: cordic cs10][Up: cordic cs11][Up: cordic cs12][Up: cordic cs13][Up: cordic cs14]
module cstageIndex(xin, yin, zin, ain, xout, yout, zout);
	parameter shift=0;
	parameter zwidth=16;
	parameter width=16;
	input [width-1:0] xin, yin;
	input [zwidth-1:0] zin, ain;
	output [width-1:0] xout, yout;
	output [zwidth-1:0] zout;

	wire control=zin[zwidth-1];
	addsub #( width) ax(xin, {{(shift){yin[width-1]}},yin[width-1:shift]}, xout,  control);
	addsub #( width) ay(yin, {{(shift){xin[width-1]}},xin[width-1:shift]}, yout, ~control);
	addsub #(zwidth) az(zin,                                         ain , zout,  control);

[Up: dds c]
module cordicIndex(clk, xin, yin, phasein, xout, yout, phaseout);

input clk;
input [15:0] xin, yin;
input [16:0] phasein;
output[15:0] xout, yout;
output[1:0] phaseout;

wire [15:0] xw0, xw1, xw2, xw3, xw4, xw5, xw6, xw7, xw8, xw9, xw10, xw11, xw12, xw13, xw14, xw15;
wire [15:0] yw0, yw1, yw2, yw3, yw4, yw5, yw6, yw7, yw8, yw9, yw10, yw11, yw12, yw13, yw14, yw15;

reg  [15:0] x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15;
reg  [15:0] y0, y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7, y8, y9, y10, y11, y12, y13, y14, y15;

reg [15:0] z0;   wire [15:0] zw0;
reg [15:0] z1;   wire [15:0] zw1;
reg [14:0] z2;   wire [15:0] zw2;
reg [13:0] z3;   wire [14:0] zw3;
reg [12:0] z4;   wire [13:0] zw4;
reg [11:0] z5;   wire [12:0] zw5;
reg [10:0] z6;   wire [11:0] zw6;
reg [ 9:0] z7;   wire [10:0] zw7;
reg [ 8:0] z8;   wire [ 9:0] zw8;
reg [ 7:0] z9;   wire [ 8:0] zw9;
reg [ 6:0] z10;  wire [ 7:0] zw10;
reg [ 5:0] z11;  wire [ 6:0] zw11;
reg [ 4:0] z12;  wire [ 5:0] zw12;
reg [ 3:0] z13;  wire [ 4:0] zw13;
reg [ 2:0] z14;  wire [ 3:0] zw14;
reg [ 1:0] z15;  wire [ 2:0] zw15;

// signed 16-bit input angle [-32768 , 32767 ] represents the range [ -pi/2 , pi/2 )
// atan((0.5).^[0:12]')/(2*pi)*8192*4
// floor(atan((0.5).^[0:14]')/(2*pi)*2**(17)+.5)
// keep one high order 0 bit so these are valid signed numbers
wire [15:0] a0  = 16384;  // pi/4
wire [15:0] a1  = 9672;
wire [14:0] a2  = 5110;
wire [13:0] a3  = 2594;
wire [12:0] a4  = 1302;
wire [11:0] a5  = 652;
wire [10:0] a6  = 326;
wire [ 9:0] a7  = 163;
wire [ 8:0] a8  = 81;
wire [ 7:0] a9  = 41;
wire [ 6:0] a10 = 20;
wire [ 5:0] a11 = 10;
wire [ 4:0] a12 = 5;
wire [ 3:0] a13 = 3;
wire [ 2:0] a14 = 1;

assign xout = x15;
assign yout = y15;
assign phaseout = z15;

// zero stage: doesn't quite fit the pattern
addsub #(16) ax0 (16'd0, xin, xw0, ~phasein[16]^phasein[15]);
addsub #(16) ay0 (16'd0, yin, yw0, ~phasein[16]^phasein[15]);
assign zw0 = phasein[15:0];

// first stage: can't use cstage because repeat operator of zero is illegal
addsub #(16) ax1 (x0, y0, xw1,  z0[15]);
addsub #(16) ay1 (y0, x0, yw1, ~z0[15]);
addsub #(16) az1 (z0, a0, zw1,  z0[15]);

cstage #( 1, 16, 16) cs1  (x1,  y1,  z1,  a1,  xw2,  yw2,  zw2);
cstage #( 2, 15, 16) cs2  (x2,  y2,  z2,  a2,  xw3,  yw3,  zw3);
cstage #( 3, 14, 16) cs3  (x3,  y3,  z3,  a3,  xw4,  yw4,  zw4);
cstage #( 4, 13, 16) cs4  (x4,  y4,  z4,  a4,  xw5,  yw5,  zw5);
cstage #( 5, 12, 16) cs5  (x5,  y5,  z5,  a5,  xw6,  yw6,  zw6);
cstage #( 6, 11, 16) cs6  (x6,  y6,  z6,  a6,  xw7,  yw7,  zw7);
cstage #( 7, 10, 16) cs7  (x7,  y7,  z7,  a7,  xw8,  yw8,  zw8);
cstage #( 8,  9, 16) cs8  (x8,  y8,  z8,  a8,  xw9,  yw9,  zw9);
cstage #( 9,  8, 16) cs9  (x9,  y9,  z9,  a9,  xw10, yw10, zw10);
cstage #(10,  7, 16) cs10 (x10, y10, z10, a10, xw11, yw11, zw11);
cstage #(11,  6, 16) cs11 (x11, y11, z11, a11, xw12, yw12, zw12);
cstage #(12,  5, 16) cs12 (x12, y12, z12, a12, xw13, yw13, zw13);
cstage #(13,  4, 16) cs13 (x13, y13, z13, a13, xw14, yw14, zw14);
cstage #(14,  3, 16) cs14 (x14, y14, z14, a14, xw15, yw15, zw15);

always @ (posedge clk) begin
	x0  <=  xw0;   y0  <=  yw0;   z0  <=  zw0;
	x1  <=  xw1;   y1  <=  yw1;   z1  <=  zw1;
	x2  <=  xw2;   y2  <=  yw2;   z2  <=  zw2;
	x3  <=  xw3;   y3  <=  yw3;   z3  <=  zw3;
	x4  <=  xw4;   y4  <=  yw4;   z4  <=  zw4;
	x5  <=  xw5;   y5  <=  yw5;   z5  <=  zw5;
	x6  <=  xw6;   y6  <=  yw6;   z6  <=  zw6;
	x7  <=  xw7;   y7  <=  yw7;   z7  <=  zw7;
	x8  <=  xw8;   y8  <=  yw8;   z8  <=  zw8;
	x9  <=  xw9;   y9  <=  yw9;   z9  <=  zw9;
	x10 <=  xw10;  y10 <=  yw10;  z10 <=  zw10;
	x11 <=  xw11;  y11 <=  yw11;  z11 <=  zw11;
	x12 <=  xw12;  y12 <=  yw12;  z12 <=  zw12;
	x13 <=  xw13;  y13 <=  yw13;  z13 <=  zw13;
	x14 <=  xw14;  y14 <=  yw14;  z14 <=  zw14;
	x15 <=  xw15;  y15 <=  yw15;  z15 <=  zw15;



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Created:Wed May 19 11:23:03 2004
From: ../source/cordic.v

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