// history2e.v
// LLRF history buffers for EPICS
// $Id$
// Larry Doolittle, LBNL

// llc-suite Copyright (c) 2004, The Regents of the University of
// California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject
// to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy).
// All rights reserved.

// Your use of this software is pursuant to a "BSD-style" open
// source license agreement, the text of which is in license.txt
// (md5sum a1e0e81c78f6eba050b0e96996f49fd5) that should accompany
// this file.  If the license agreement is not there, or if you
// have questions about the license, please contact Berkeley Lab's
// Technology Transfer Department at TTD@lbl.gov referring to
// "llc-suite (LBNL Ref CR-1988)"

// Initial coding March 2003
// 4 buffers, 512 x 16, programmable averaging

// Three of these buffers are considered "user" configured for operator
//    comfort display or troubleshooting.
// One more is considered a "decay" buffer, configured for automated
//    analysis of cavity resonance frequency.
// Hence the matched set of d* and u* variables.

// The two timing controllers (histmode) and four averaging history buffers
// (hist2) are instantiated.  All this module takes care of is fan-out,
// fan-in (multiplexing data back to the host), and choosing which data
// streams to route to each history buffer.

`timescale 1ns / 1ns

[Up: llrf_mebt history2e]
module history2eIndex(
	input  rst,                // interconnect
	input  host_clk,           // interconnect
	input  [13:0] host_addr,   // interconnect
	output [15:0] traced_dout, // register TRACED
	output [15:0] trace1_dout, // register TRACE1
	output [15:0] trace2_dout, // register TRACE2
	output [15:0] trace3_dout, // register TRACE3

	input  clk40,                    // interconnect
	input  [`RAW_ADC_BITS-1:0] DA,   // pin a
	input  [`RAW_ADC_BITS-1:0] DB,   // pin b
	input  [`RAW_ADC_BITS-1:0] DC,   // pin c
	input  [`RAW_ADC_BITS-1:0] DD,   // pin d
	input  [11:0] outsig40,          // interconnect
	output [13:0] fdbk_input,        // interconnect
	input  totalizer_channel,        // interconnect
	output [13:0] totalizer_in,      // interconnect
	input  [14:0] ustop_count,       // register USTOP_CNT
	input  [15:0] uhistory_config,   // register UHIST_CFG
	input  [14:0] dstop_count,       // register DSTOP_CNT
	input  [15:0] dhistory_config,   // register DHIST_CFG
	output [14:0] ucnt_at_pulse_end, // register UCAPE
	output [14:0] dcnt_at_pulse_end, // register DCAPE
	input  trace_enable              // interconnect

wire [6:0] uaverage   = uhistory_config[6:0];
wire [0:0] trace1_sel = uhistory_config[12:12];
wire [0:0] trace2_sel = uhistory_config[13:13];
wire [0:0] trace3_sel = uhistory_config[14:14];

wire [6:0] daverage   = dhistory_config[6:0];
wire [0:0] traced_sel = dhistory_config[12:12];

reg  [`RAW_ADC_BITS-1:0] traced_data, trace1_data, trace2_data, trace3_data;
wire        dwrite_enable,  uwrite_enable;
wire        davg_clear,     uavg_clear;
wire [`ADDRESS_BITS-1:0]  dtrace_address, utrace_address;

reg  [`RAW_ADC_BITS-1:0] dal,  dbl,  dcl,  ddl;   // Latched input from ADCs
always @(posedge clk40) begin
	// The following 48 latches should be absorbed into IOBs:
	dal <= DA;  dbl <= DB;  dcl <= DC;  ddl <= DD;

wire [`RAW_ADC_BITS-1:0] dals, dbls, dcls, ddls;  // Latched and converted (if necessary) to signed binary
wire [`RAW_ADC_BITS-1:0] flipper = {1'b0, {`RAW_ADC_BITS-1{1'b0}}};
wire [`RAW_ADC_BITS-1:0] flipper = {1'b1, {`RAW_ADC_BITS-1{1'b0}}};
assign dals = dal ^ flipper;
assign dbls = dbl ^ flipper;
assign dcls = dcl ^ flipper;
assign ddls = ddl ^ flipper;

`ifdef ADC_BIT12
wire [`RAW_ADC_BITS-1:0] outm = outsig40;     // rename
assign fdbk_input = {dcls,2'b00};             // pad from 12 to 14 bits
assign totalizer_in = {(totalizer_channel ? dcls : ddls),2'b00}; // channel selection for phase ref
wire [`RAW_ADC_BITS-1:0] outm = {outsig40,2'b00};  // pad from 12 to 14 bits
assign fdbk_input = dcls;                     // channel selection for feedback input
assign totalizer_in = totalizer_channel ? dcls : ddls; // channel selection for phase ref

hist2 traced(
	clk40, traced_data, dtrace_address, dwrite_enable, davg_clear, daverage,
	host_clk, traced_dout, host_addr[`ADDRESS_BITS-1:0]);
hist2 trace1(
	clk40, trace1_data, utrace_address, uwrite_enable, uavg_clear, uaverage,
	host_clk, trace1_dout, host_addr[`ADDRESS_BITS-1:0]);
hist2 trace2(
	clk40, trace2_data, utrace_address, uwrite_enable, uavg_clear, uaverage,
	host_clk, trace2_dout, host_addr[`ADDRESS_BITS-1:0]);
hist2 trace3(
	clk40, trace3_data, utrace_address, uwrite_enable, uavg_clear, uaverage,
	host_clk, trace3_dout, host_addr[`ADDRESS_BITS-1:0]);

histmode uhm(
	clk40, rst, trace_enable, uaverage, ustop_count,
	utrace_address, uwrite_enable, uavg_clear, ucnt_at_pulse_end);
histmode dhm(
	clk40, rst, trace_enable, daverage, dstop_count,
	dtrace_address, dwrite_enable, davg_clear, dcnt_at_pulse_end);

always @(posedge clk40 or posedge rst) if (rst) begin
	traced_data <= 0;
	trace1_data <= 0;
	trace2_data <= 0;
	trace3_data <= 0;
end else begin
	traced_data <= traced_sel[0] ? dbls : dcls ;  // Rfl or Cav
	trace1_data <= trace1_sel[0] ? ddls : dals ;  // Ref or Fwd
	trace2_data <= trace2_sel[0] ? outm : dbls ;  // Out or Rfl
	trace3_data <= trace3_sel[0] ? ddls : dcls ;  // Ref or Cav



This page: Maintained by: ldoolitt@recycle.lbl.gov
Created:Wed May 19 11:23:04 2004
From: ../source/history2e.v

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