// automatically generated by
//  perl intercon.pl ../source/register-map ../source/nanoengine_if.v ../source/route_interim.v ../source/config_rom.v ../source/ds2401_driver.v ../source/sportx.v ../source/dds.v ../source/sync_free.v ../source/shadow_ram.v ../source/totalizer.v ../source/feedforward.v ../source/rf_timer.v ../source/history2e.v ../source/dkcm_controller.v ../source/fdbk_loop.v ../source/afterburner.v ../source/status.v ../source/stopwatch.v -o llrf_interim.v
// processing file ../source/nanoengine_if.v
// processing file ../source/route_interim.v
// processing file ../source/config_rom.v
// processing file ../source/ds2401_driver.v
// processing file ../source/sportx.v
// processing file ../source/dds.v
// processing file ../source/sync_free.v
// processing file ../source/shadow_ram.v
// processing file ../source/totalizer.v
// processing file ../source/feedforward.v
// processing file ../source/rf_timer.v
// processing file ../source/history2e.v
// processing file ../source/dkcm_controller.v
// processing file ../source/fdbk_loop.v
// processing file ../source/afterburner.v
// processing file ../source/status.v
// processing file ../source/stopwatch.v

`timescale 1ns / 1ns

module llrf_interimIndex(
// module nanoengine_if
	inout [15:0] PD,
	input CK_host,
	input ALE_host,
	input WE_host,
	input RD_host,
	input CS0_host,
	output RDY_host,
	output INT_host,
// module route_interim
	input CLK,
	input DAOV,
	input DBOV,
	input DCOV,
	input DDOV,
	input IL_STAT,
	output P_DOWN,
	input RF_ON,
	output RF_KILL,
	output SLEEP,
	output DIO1,
	output DIO2,
	output DIO3,
	output DIO4,
	output DIO6,
// module ds2401_driver
	inout DS2401,
// module sportx
	output SCLK,
	output SDIN,
	output CS1202,
	output CS5742,
	inout SDA75,
	input DOUT1202,
	output PLL_CLK,
	output PLL_DATA,
	output PLL_LE,
	output PLL_CE,
	input PLL_MUXOUT,
// module rf_timer
	output LED3,
	output LED4,
// module history2e
	input [`RAW_ADC_BITS-1:0] DA,
	input [`RAW_ADC_BITS-1:0] DB,
	input [`RAW_ADC_BITS-1:0] DC,
	input [`RAW_ADC_BITS-1:0] DD,
// module afterburner
	input CLK80X,
	output [11:0] DE,
// module status
	output LED2

// wires:
wire        clk40;                        //  route_interim dds sync_free totalizer feedforward rf_timer history2e fdbk_loop afterburner status stopwatch
wire        clk40_missing_pulse;          //  status
wire [15:0] config_rom__read_bus;         // to read mux
wire        daov_;                        //  route_interim status
wire        dbov_;                        //  route_interim status
wire        dcov_;                        //  route_interim status
wire        ddov_;                        //  route_interim status
wire        dds_run;                      //  dds rf_timer
wire        dds_substitute;               //  rf_timer fdbk_loop
wire [21:0] dkcm_bus;                     //  dkcm_controller fdbk_loop afterburner
wire        dkcm_busy;                    //  dkcm_controller status
wire        dkcm_controller__select;      // select
wire [15:0] ds2401_driver__read_bus;      // to read mux
wire        ds2401_driver__select;        // select
wire [13:0] fdbk_input;                   //  history2e fdbk_loop
wire        feedback_enable;              //  rf_timer fdbk_loop
wire [15:0] feedforward__host_dout;       // to read mux
wire        feedforward__select;          // select
wire [12:0] feedforward_data;             //  feedforward fdbk_loop
wire        feedforward_start;            //  feedforward rf_timer
wire [14:0] history2e__dcnt_at_pulse_end; // to read mux
wire [15:0] history2e__trace1_dout;       // to read mux
wire [15:0] history2e__trace2_dout;       // to read mux
wire [15:0] history2e__trace3_dout;       // to read mux
wire [15:0] history2e__traced_dout;       // to read mux
wire [14:0] history2e__ucnt_at_pulse_end; // to read mux
wire [13:0] host_addr;                    //  nanoengine_if config_rom shadow_ram totalizer feedforward rf_timer history2e dkcm_controller stopwatch
wire        host_clk;                     //  nanoengine_if ds2401_driver sportx shadow_ram feedforward rf_timer history2e dkcm_controller fdbk_loop afterburner status stopwatch
wire [15:0] host_data;                    //  nanoengine_if ds2401_driver sportx shadow_ram feedforward rf_timer dkcm_controller status stopwatch
wire        host_interrupt;               //  nanoengine_if rf_timer
wire        host_re;                      //  nanoengine_if status
wire [15:0] host_read;                    //  nanoengine_if
wire        host_we;                      //  nanoengine_if ds2401_driver sportx shadow_ram feedforward rf_timer dkcm_controller status stopwatch
wire        il_stat_;                     //  route_interim status
wire        integrate_enable;             //  rf_timer fdbk_loop
wire  [1:0] lrc_slot;                     //  route_interim status
wire [11:0] outsig40;                     //  history2e fdbk_loop afterburner
wire        phase_sense_adjust;           //  rf_timer
wire        pll_muxout_;                  //  sportx status
wire        power_down;                   //  route_interim rf_timer
wire        quad_sync;                    //  sync_free rf_timer
wire        rf_kill_;                     //  route_interim rf_timer
wire        rf_on_;                       //  route_interim rf_timer
wire        rf_on_sync;                   //  rf_timer status stopwatch
wire [15:0] rf_timer__host_read;          // to read mux
wire        rf_timer__hselect;            // select
wire        rst;                          //  nanoengine_if totalizer rf_timer history2e
wire [15:0] set_wave;                     //  dds fdbk_loop
wire [15:0] shadow_ram__read_bus;         // to read mux
wire        shadow_ram__select;           // select
wire [15:0] sportx__data;                 // to read mux
wire        sportx__select_cntl;          // select
wire        sportx__select_data;          // select
wire [15:0] sportx__status;               // to read mux
wire        status__error_en;             // select
wire [15:0] status__errors;               // to read mux
wire [15:0] status__status;               // to read mux
wire        stopwatch__control_sel;       // select
wire [15:0] stopwatch__readout;           // to read mux
wire        sync_error;                   //  sync_free status
wire        sync_missing;                 //  sync_free status
wire [15:0] totalizer__dout;              // to read mux
wire        totalizer_channel;            //  rf_timer history2e
wire        totalizer_gate;               //  totalizer rf_timer
wire [13:0] totalizer_in;                 //  totalizer history2e
wire        trace_enable;                 //  rf_timer history2e status
wire        trigger_skipped;              //  rf_timer status

// regs:
reg [15:0] dds__set_i;
reg [15:0] dds__set_q;
reg [15:0] dds__freq;
reg [15:0] rf_timer__totalizer_delay;
reg [15:0] rf_timer__config_word;
reg [14:0] history2e__ustop_count;
reg [15:0] history2e__uhistory_config;
reg [14:0] history2e__dstop_count;
reg [15:0] history2e__dhistory_config;

// instantiations:
nanoengine_if nanoengine_if(
route_interim route_interim(
config_rom config_rom(
ds2401_driver ds2401_driver(
sportx sportx(
dds dds(
sync_free sync_free(
shadow_ram shadow_ram(
totalizer totalizer(
feedforward feedforward(
rf_timer rf_timer(
history2e history2e(
dkcm_controller dkcm_controller(
fdbk_loop fdbk_loop(
afterburner afterburner(
status status(
stopwatch stopwatch(

// regwrite:
always @(posedge host_clk or posedge rst) if (rst) begin
	dds__set_i <= 0;
	dds__set_q <= 0;
	dds__freq <= 0;
	rf_timer__totalizer_delay <= 0;
	rf_timer__config_word <= 0;
	history2e__ustop_count <= 0;
	history2e__uhistory_config <= 0;
	history2e__dstop_count <= 0;
	history2e__dhistory_config <= 0;
end else begin
	if (host_we & host_addr==14'b00000000100000) dds__set_i <= host_data;
	if (host_we & host_addr==14'b00000000100001) dds__set_q <= host_data;
	if (host_we & host_addr==14'b00000000100010) dds__freq <= host_data;
	if (host_we & host_addr==14'b00000000101000) rf_timer__totalizer_delay <= host_data;
	if (host_we & host_addr==14'b00000000100011) rf_timer__config_word <= host_data;
	if (host_we & host_addr==14'b00000000100100) history2e__ustop_count <= host_data;
	if (host_we & host_addr==14'b00000000100101) history2e__uhistory_config <= host_data;
	if (host_we & host_addr==14'b00000000100110) history2e__dstop_count <= host_data;
	if (host_we & host_addr==14'b00000000100111) history2e__dhistory_config <= host_data;

// selects:
assign    ds2401_driver__select = (host_addr[13: 0]==14'b00000001010000);
assign      sportx__select_data = (host_addr[13: 0]==14'b00000001011000);
assign      sportx__select_cntl = (host_addr[13: 0]==14'b00000001011001);
assign       shadow_ram__select = (host_addr[13: 5]== 9'b000000001     );
assign      feedforward__select = (host_addr[13: 9]== 5'b00110         );
assign        rf_timer__hselect = (host_addr[13: 3]==11'b00000011000   );
assign  dkcm_controller__select = (host_addr[13: 3]==11'b00000000110   );
assign         status__error_en = (host_addr[13: 0]==14'b00000000010000);
assign   stopwatch__control_sel = (host_addr[13: 3]==11'b00000001100   );

// regread:
reg [15:0] host_read_pipe;
assign host_read = 0 |
	      feedforward__host_dout & {16{host_addr[13: 9]== 5'b00110         }} |
	         rf_timer__host_read & {16{host_addr[13: 3]==11'b00000011000   }} |
	      history2e__traced_dout & {16{host_addr[13: 9]== 5'b10000         }} |
	      history2e__trace1_dout & {16{host_addr[13: 9]== 5'b10100         }} |
	      history2e__trace2_dout & {16{host_addr[13: 9]== 5'b11000         }} |
	      history2e__trace3_dout & {16{host_addr[13: 9]== 5'b11100         }} |
	              host_read_pipe & {16{host_addr[13: 7]== 7'b0000000       }};
always @(posedge host_clk or posedge rst) if (rst) begin
	host_read_pipe <= 0;
end else begin
	host_read_pipe <= 0 |
	        config_rom__read_bus & {16{host_addr[13: 4]==10'b0000000000    }} |
	     ds2401_driver__read_bus & {16{host_addr[13: 0]==14'b00000001010000}} |
	                sportx__data & {16{host_addr[13: 0]==14'b00000001011000}} |
	              sportx__status & {16{host_addr[13: 0]==14'b00000001011001}} |
	        shadow_ram__read_bus & {16{host_addr[13: 5]== 9'b000000001     }} |
	             totalizer__dout & {16{host_addr[13: 2]==12'b000000000111  }} |
	history2e__ucnt_at_pulse_end & {16{host_addr[13: 0]==14'b00000000010010}} |
	history2e__dcnt_at_pulse_end & {16{host_addr[13: 0]==14'b00000000010011}} |
	              status__errors & {16{host_addr[13: 0]==14'b00000000010000}} |
	              status__status & {16{host_addr[13: 0]==14'b00000000010001}} |
	          stopwatch__readout & {16{host_addr[13: 3]==11'b00000001100   }};

// 0 errors



This page: Maintained by: ldoolitt@recycle.lbl.gov
Created:Wed May 19 11:23:11 2004
From: llrf_interim.v

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